Previously we had only two aliens creatively named "Big Eye" and "Two Eyes". But today we bring you 4 new additions to the arsenal!
4 new aliens that need new names!
Alien selection is purely cosmetic and really only serves to differentiate yourself from your teammates. But it's a fun feature nonetheless. We don't currently have names for these guys, if you can even call the names of the original two names. But there are some behind the scenes descriptions of them. Perhaps you guys will come up with something more interesting than "Fuzzy alien" or "Springuy".
We also have a snapshot of our music. Alien Evaders features 7 different tracks all by RoccoW which are all generously licensed under CC-BY 4.0. We chose these tracks because they have a great upbeat action feel that goes great with frantic color matching. And being an arcade-style game of sorts, the low-fi music seemed like a perfect fit.
Here are two of our favorites, and we hope you look forward to hearing the remaining awesome tracks during gameplay!